Protologue Description: Var. gaspensis, n. var. B. hyperborea Fernald, RHODORA, x. 202 (1908) excluding plant of James Bay.-Estuaries of the rivers of the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec. The following specimens may be cited: submerged at high tide, brackish shores about the mouth of the Dartmouth River, August 26 & 27, 1904 Collins, Fernald & Pease (TYPE in Gray Herb.); brackish shore, submerged at high tide, mouth of St. John River, Douglastown August 23, 1904, Fernald, Collins & Pease; brackish shore, submerged at high tide, alluvial islands at the mouth of Bonaventure River, August 4, 1904, Collins, Fernald & Pease; material has also been seen from the mouth of York River, Gaspé and from the mouth of Matane River, Matane County (coll. F.F. Forbes).

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